You hear a lot of horror stories about writers who don't want to help one another out and in my experience this far, I find that completely untrue. I have only come across wonderful women who are always willing to help and offer advice. The authors I have come across are down to earth and want to lead you in the right direction. So if anyone tells you published authors want to keep the aspiring writers out because they are afraid of competition, I am telling you that is for the most part false, authors love books so of course they want new voices out there because they want to read your books too. I am sure there are a few less than helpful ones but thank God I have not come across them.
Also people often mistake an author's unwillingness to read an aspiring writers manuscript as being snooty, but that is not the case. They are covering themselves. I understand that completely. So if you ask an author tells you no, don't get rude on them because they are not trying to be unhelpful but they really have to protect themselves. If you want a published author reading your MS I would suggest getting a mentor.
This leads me to Critique Partners and groups. This is an important relationship I have found out. I love all aspiring writers so I am always willing to read other aspiring writers WIP or finished MS to tell them my opinions and feedback. It is just who I am. I love books and want to help get good ones out into the world so if I can help by reading a fellow writer's work than by all means, I will do it! But being a CP is a responsibility. It is a give and take. I take my CPing duties seriously. I have heard horror stories of hateful CPs just tearing their partner down; I can only assume it is out of jealousy or trying to make sure no one will make it before them. I find that ridiculous! When one of my CPs do well I am celebrating just as hard as them. I am over the moon happy for them and I walk around with a grin on my face like it's my MS. Why? Because I love love love books, writing and writers so I want success of all these things.
I try and make sure my partnership is not one sided but if I see that my partner is closer than I am I will focus on helping them and I let them take the spotlight and not email them every day like did you read mine did you read mine did you read mine yet? Because when it comes down to it, they have to work too and my time will come soon too so it’s a give and take- ying and yang. has a great handout where it talks about all the partnerships a writer may possibly have. Here is the link. Hope it helps. And if you write romance, I recommend joining Romance Writers of America
Keep writing, reading and sharing,
Frost Falls on the Potting Shed
1 week ago
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