Thank you for stopping by "From Here to There...A Writer's Journey" to see my books in my readers' hands. I'm Casse NaRome, the writer. Here I will blog about my progress on my manuscripts and my novels that already available. I will also blog on the things that I find interesting and hilarious because I think you might too. I hope you stick around for the ride and share this Journey with me. Love, Casse xoxo!

Friday, March 16, 2012

I feel guilty about how mean I fake people.

I just finished The Reborn 1st draft and though I did follow mostly the direction I wanted to go in I did one major change that is making me have to go back and rewrite book 2's opening. I mean that is no big deal, it sucked anyway. The main issue is I totally just screwed 2 characters over. On the upside the couple of characters I was supposed to screw over lucked out...for now at least.

One character, damn I feel like a bitch for what I'm doing with him. He is going a place that is going to take a miracle to dig him out from. Not sure if I can save him!

His poor heroine, he is going to put her in purgatory then drag her through hell because of one tragic mistake.

In the next book (the one I have to re-write the opening to) one guy's jealousy can cost him everything while another girl's past is haunting her and the one person she loves more than life just won't let her shake it. Can't he see that she has changed? He can't and makes her question if he even knows who she is anymore...the girl she was then has nothing to do with the woman she is now! If he can't see he the man for her?

Oh and book about dark places.

Oh the angst I putting these teens through. Sorry characters!

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