Thank you for stopping by "From Here to There...A Writer's Journey" to see my books in my readers' hands. I'm Casse NaRome, the writer. Here I will blog about my progress on my manuscripts and my novels that already available. I will also blog on the things that I find interesting and hilarious because I think you might too. I hope you stick around for the ride and share this Journey with me. Love, Casse xoxo!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

It's been a long time.

I shouldn't have left you, without a dope beat to step to.  Teehee. I can't ever say the title of this blog post without hearing that song in my head.

Anyway, so to the point. Dain has found a home. I meant to announce it here last month but it seems to have slipped my mind. Bayou Brew Publishing accepted The Reborn. I must say, they are the best. Dain and I were accepted with open arms. There is no better company I would rather sign with. Such a talented group of ladies.

More to come soon. If you want more info check me out on facebook. Casse Narome

1 comment :

  1. Yes! So happy for you and everyone else who will get to read it. Wohoo!!! I'd do an awkward booty dance in honor of this news, but I am so LAZY right now. That and my laptop is comfy on my lap and I'm trying to hash out this damn scene that's annoying the hell out of me.


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